Wondering if it’s possible to rekindle your relationship so it makes your heart and mind sing again?
Wanting a relationship in which you feel safe and secure, where communication flows and conflict is handled well?
Wishing that past trauma would no longer interfere with you getting the love you want?
I want that for you too. That’s why I’m a relationship therapist. I work with couples and individuals to improve their relationships.

In my more than 25 years as a therapist, I can remember only a few people who have come to therapy about issues not related to relationships. A huge majority of the people I’ve worked with have wanted better relationships, and I’ve helped most of them achieve that.
Passionate about relationships
I’ve been doing this a long time, never losing my enthusiasm for couples and love. I became a psychotherapist in the mid-1990s after having two other careers that were interesting and fulfilling, but that I just wasn’t passionate about. I spent nine years at an international consulting firm as a management consultant and marketing director, helping companies become more efficient and profitable.
I also worked for several years as an English professor, teaching writing and literature to undergraduates and graduate students. Many clients have expressed appreciation for the insights I offer from my previous careers.
In both previous careers I found that I was more interested in people, their stories, and their relationships than in the other aspects of the work. I realized wanted to change lives for the better.
This led me to the world of psychotherapy.
In my career now, every day I get to pursue my two professional goals:
Making the world a better place, one relationship at a time.
Reducing the stigma associated with seeing a therapist for emotional and relationship problems.
I now do the work that I was intended to do. More than 90% of my clients are couples. The others are individuals who want to create thriving relationships. I am passionate about helping people become better connected to one another so they can live less stressful, more creative, more purposeful lives.
Helping people from many cultures
Are you a cross-cultural couple or an immigrant? If so, I am a therapist with vast experience working with people like you. For 11 years, I practiced therapy and/or trained therapists in four different countries—China, Russia, Botswana, and India. This experience opened me up to cultural differences, but also to the common goal that most people share to develop and keep fulfilling relationships.
Having worked with people from more than 25 countries, I am aware of and respect cultural differences. I try my best to make people from all cultures comfortable in their work with me.
Advanced training in relationship therapy
I have supplemented that experience with some of the best available post-graduate training for relationship issues from world-renown international experts in the field, including Sue Johnson, John Gottman, and Stan Tatkin.
II never stop learning. I’m now offering the knowledge and skills I’ve gained from all of these experiences to you.